Years 1 & 2

Autumn term 2024

In school Year 1 and 2 are taught by Mrs Barratt and teaching assistant Mrs Haughan. 
In Literacy we will be looking at fiction books around the topic of 'fantastic voyages'  We will study the book 'Bob the man on the moon'  They will  write their own space stories and postcards from space.
The children will study a non-fiction unit entitled ' Top jobs' In the book we will find information and explore the layout of non-fiction books. They will write their own non-fiction pieces.
Our poetry unit this term is 'Silly stuff' where we will look at rhyming poems and nonsense poems.
Phonics will continue to be taught daily using Read Write Inc and children will be sent home with Read Write Inc book bag books to read at home. Children will get weekly spellings to learn from the Spell Ninja and Ed Shed schemes.
Our main topic this term is Space.
In Science we will be learning all about materials. The children will learn to distinguish materials that objects are made from as well as describe the properties.
In Art we will be looking at drawing skills. The will draw using a variety of different media and learn how to do observational drawings.
Our Design Technology topic this term is mechanics and the children will be making a moving monster. We will also be looking at the topic of food and what makes a balanced diet.
In Geography we will be learning all about where we live and looking at Earth from Space.
This term in Music we will be singing and playing musical instruments through space themed lessons and superheroes. 
In History we will be learning all about the first moon landings and learning about Neil Armstrong. We will also look at today's British astronaut Tim Peake.
In RE we will be doing two topics - Belonging and Light / Dark.
Computing this term is continuing to focus on internet safety as well as space themed lessons  using Beebots, programming a rocket to the moon and looking at the ISS. 
PE will take place on a Thursday. The children should come to school in their PE kit. PE may be outside on the MUGA so please make sure that you child has suitable footwear. If your child has pierced ears they must be able to  remove them themselves or please supply plasters to put over them for health and safety reasons. Please can you make sure that your child has the appropriate kit on these days otherwise they will miss their PE lesson. 
Water bottles are allowed in class for the children to access throughout the day. Please can you supply a named bottle for the children to fill with water and these can be left in school and these will be sent home on a Friday. 
The school website and Facebook page will be kept up to date with photographs of things we do in school. 
Thank you for your continued support. Any questions do pop and see us. 


Mrs Sarah Barratt

Mrs Sarah Barratt
Class Teacher Y1/2

Mrs Wendy Haughan

Mrs Wendy Haughan
